The Squat Shot

-Good power, poor athleticism

Magic Johnson made his name playing on the run.  But Johnson’s non-jump shot, the squat shot, was antithetical to his movement-based game.  Johnson’s squat shot had plenty of power, accuracy and touch.  But because the squat shot’s low shooting position for the start of the release squashes the jump of the jump shot, Johnson’s jumpshooting game was virtually nonexistent.  Johnson’s jump shot story, however, does provide a glimmer of hope.  If you happen to be a highly athletic and highly competitive pass-first point guard with inspirational leadership skills and a high basketball IQ who is almost seven feet tall, then there is a possibility that you too could be a basketball superstar without a jump shot.  On the other hand, if you are a mere basketball mortal, then the most important thing you could do to improve your offensive game, regardless of your position, is to learn how to shoot a whole-body jump shot.

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